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| Aaron Brown |
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| Aaron Carroll |
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| Aaron Glickman |
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| Aaron Hedlund |
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| Aaron Renn |
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| Aaron Yelowitz |
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| Abby Joseph Cohen |
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| Abby McCloskey |
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| Abdel Fattah El Sisi |
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| Abigail Anthony |
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| Abigail Shrier |
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| Abraham Miller |
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| Achal Prabhala |
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| Adair Turner |
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| Adam Andrzejewski |
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| Adam Brandon |
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| Adam Fein |
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| Adam Goldman |
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| Adam Hersh |
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| Adam Hoffman |
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| Adam Michel |
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| Adam Millsap |
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| Adam Minter |
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| Adam Mossoff |
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| Adam Nash |
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| Adam Posen |
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| Adam Smith |
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| Adam Turner |
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| Adam White |
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| Adena Friedman |
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| Adrian Smith |
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| Adrian Wooldridge |
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| Agustin Forzani |
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| Aharon Friedman |
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| AJ Rice |
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| Ajit Pai |
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| Akane Otani |
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| Akash Chougule |
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| Akira Kawamoto |
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| Al Hubbard |
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| Alain Ebobiss |
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| Alan Blinder |
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| Alan Cole |
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| Alan Dershowitz |
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| Alan Garber |
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| Alan Greenspan |
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| Alan Krueger |
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| Alan Rappeport |
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| Alan Reynolds |
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| Alan Simpson |
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| Alberto Gallo |
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| Alberto Gonzales |
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| Alec Torres |
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| Alejandro Chafuen |
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| Alessandro Rebucci |
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| Alex Acosta |
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| Alex Armlovich |
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| Alex Azar |
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| Alex Berenson |
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| Alex Epstein |
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| Alex Muresianu |
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| Alex Pollock |
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| Alex Sanchez |
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| Alex Verkhivker |
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| Alex Wong |
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| Alexander Friedman |
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| Alexander Gray |
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| Alexander Lipton |
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| Alexander William Salter |
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| Alexander Zemek |
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| Alexandra Sternlicht |
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| Alexi Cohan |
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| Alfred Gusenbauer |
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| Alfredo Ortiz |
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| Ali Wambold |
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| Alice Rivlin |
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| Alice Walton |
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| Alison Young |
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| Allan Meltzer |
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| Allen Fuller |
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| Allen Guelzo |
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| Allen West |
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| Allison Schrager |
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| Allysia Finley |
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| Alyssa Fowers |
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| Amanda Hardy |
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| Amanda Little |
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| Amanda Makki |
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| Amar Bhidé |
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| Amara Omeokwe |
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| Amaya Diana |
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| Ameenah Gurib-Fakim |
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| Amir Pasic |
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| Amir Siddiqi |
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| Amir Sufi |
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| Amit Seru |
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| Amity Shlaes |
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| Amol Navathe |
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| Amy Finkelstein |
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| Amy Roberts |
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| Amy Zegart |
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| Ana Swanson |
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| Anastasia Lin |
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| Anastasia Swearingen |
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| Anat Admati |
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| Anatole Kaletsky |
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| Anders Aslund |
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| Anders Borg |
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| Andrea Felsted |
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| Andrea Riquier |
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| Andrew Ackerman |
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| Andrew Atkeson |
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| Andrew Bailey |
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| Andrew Biggs |
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| Andrew Duehren |
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| Andrew Follett |
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| Andrew Foxall |
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| Andrew Grossman |
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| Andrew Gutmann |
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| Andrew Holland |
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| Andrew Huszar |
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| Andrew Kelly |
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| Andrew Levin |
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| Andrew Liveris |
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| Andrew Malcolm |
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| Andrew Maykuth |
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| Andrew McCarthy |
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| Andrew Michta |
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| Andrew Napolitano |
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| Andrew Restuccia |
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| Andrew Roberts |
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| Andrew Ross Sorkin |
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| Andrew Sheng |
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| Andrew Staub |
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| Andrew Stein |
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| Andrew Stiles |
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| Andrew Stuttaford |
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| Andrew Tannenbaum |
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| Andrew Wheeler |
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| Andrew Wilford |
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| Andrew Wilson |
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| Andrés Velasco |
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| Andy Biggs |
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| Andy Kessler |
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| Andy Koenig |
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| Andy Martin |
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| Andy Puzder |
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| Andy Stern |
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| Angel Au-Yeung |
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| Angus Deaton |
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| Angus Loten |
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| Anirvan Banerji |
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| Anita Kumar |
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| Anjana Ahuja |
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| Ankush Khardori |
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| Ann Aerts |
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| Ann Bridges |
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| Ann Carrns |
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| Ann Coulter |
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| Ann Romney |
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| Anna-Maria Kovacs |
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| Anna Stansbury |
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| Anne Case |
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| Anne Hendershott |
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| Anne Krueger |
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| Anne Sibert |
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| Anthony Constantini |
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| Anthony DeBarros |
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| Anthony Fauci |
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| Anthony Gaughan |
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| Anthony Mills |
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| Anthony O’Brien |
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| Anthony Romero |
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| Antonio Weiss |
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| Antony Davies |
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| Anu Bradford |
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| Anu Madgavkar |
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| Aparna Mathur |
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| Apoorva Ramaswamy |
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| Ari Blaff |
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| Ari Fleischer |
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| Ariel Procaccia |
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| Arielle Roth |
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| Aristides Hatzis |
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| Arjun Jayadev |
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| Armond White |
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| Arne Duncan |
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| Arpit Gupta |
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| Art Carden |
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| Art Cullen |
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| Art Laffer |
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| Arthur Brooks |
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| Arthur Herman |
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| Arthur Laffer |
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| Arthur Levitt |
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| Arvind Subramanian |
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| Asa Hutchinson |
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| Ash Alankar |
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| Ashley Lannquist |
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| Ashley Wong |
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| Ashoka Mody |
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| Aswath Damodaran |
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| Atanu Saha |
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| Atif Mian |
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| Atta Tarki |
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| August Pfluger |
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| Augusta Saraiva |
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| Austan Goolsbee |
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| Austen Hufford |
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| Austin Frakt |
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| Avik Roy |
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| Avraham Shama |
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| Axel Weber |
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| Ayaan Hirsi Ali |
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| A. J. Delgado |
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| Baher Iskander |
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| Ban Ki-moon |
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| Barack Obama |
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| Bari Weiss |
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| Barney Frank |
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| Barrack Obama |
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| Barry Diller |
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| Barry Eichengreen |
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| Barry Poulson |
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| Barry Ritholtz |
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| Bart Stupak |
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| Barton Swaim |
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| Beatrice Weder di Mauro |
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| Becca Endicott |
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| Belinda Azenui |
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| Ben Bernanke |
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| Ben Cardin |
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| Ben Carson |
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| Ben Casselman |
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| Ben Gitis |
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| Ben Ho |
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| Ben Kepes |
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| Ben Leubsdorf |
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| Ben Lieberman |
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| Ben Ritz |
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| Ben Sasse |
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| Ben Schott |
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| Ben Sperry |
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| Ben Spielberg |
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| Ben Wilterdink |
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| Ben Zimmer |
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| Benjamin Cohen |
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| Benjamin Dreyer |
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| Benjamin Harris |
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| Benjamin Khoshbin |
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| Benjamin Mannes |
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| Benjamin Netanyahu |
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| Benjamin Powell |
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| Benjamin Zycher |
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| Benjamin Zycher: Banning Exports of Crude Oil and Refined Products Would Increase Prices Posted: August 9, 2022 at 06:30 AM (Tuesday)Repealing the oil-export ban in 2015 was a good idea. The U.S. would be foolish to reinstate it. A number of perverse Beltway ideas never seem to die despite their underlying fallacies. The latest such nostrum is the argument that a renewed ban on the export of crude oil and refined products would reduce domestic fossil-energy prices, as ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: Against a Carbon Tax Posted: June 16, 2022 at 06:30 AM (Thursday)The common economic arguments for taxing greenhouse gases aren't persuasive. Proposals for carbon pricing and a border-adjustment tax on imports and credits on exports — the central ancillary policy needed to preserve the competitiveness of U.S. companies given the implementation of a tax on carbon — are back in the news. Various observers, ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: How a Federal Regulator Is Hijacking Energy Policy Posted: January 26, 2022 at 08:54 AM (Wednesday)The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is reaching well beyond its mandate to punish fossil-fuel energy producers. Sometimes you really do have to hit the mule between the eyes to get its attention. The mule of interest here is not a drug smuggler, but instead the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, whose the legal mandate is ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: Should U.S. Policies Transfer Our Wealth to OPEC+? Posted: August 13, 2021 at 06:30 AM (Friday)The Biden administration is fine with fossil-fuel production, as long as it happens overseas. Incoherence is nothing new in the Beltway, but it's still quite something to see the Biden administration simultaneously pursue new constraints on U.S. production of fossil fuels as a central component of its "climate" policies, while at the same ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: The Modern Case for Competition in Power Markets Posted: June 16, 2021 at 06:30 AM (Wednesday)Why are Virginia lawmakers stifling competition in electricity markets? Sometimes localized controversies highlight an issue of far broader significance, a truth illustrated well by the ongoing battle over electricity policy in Virginia. The central question in a nutshell: Will power consumers be allowed to purchase electricity by choosing ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: Where We are Headed: Making the U.S. Poorer and OPEC+ Richer Posted: April 15, 2021 at 06:30 AM (Thursday)Why international competitors are eating the U.S.'s lunch in oil markets. The light at the end of the COVID tunnel is brightening, in substantial part as a result of the global inoculation effort, however slowly and unevenly. With this improving public-health outlook comes a prospective renewal of worldwide economic growth generally, and ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: Toward Protection of Retiree Financial Interests Posted: October 20, 2020 at 06:30 AM (Tuesday)A new approach to ESG rules should not overlook the role of proxy advisory firms. In an age characterized by the politicization of virtually everything, it is unsurprising to see political pressures exerted upon the managers of investment funds established for the financial benefit of current and future retirees. These funds are large ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: 'Conservative' Carbon Tax Is Politically Unviable Posted: July 8, 2019 at 06:30 AM (Monday)The policy is a political nonstarter, and it wouldn’t do much anyway. Various news reports and self-serving political pronouncements would have us believe that imposition of a tax on “carbon” — emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) — now enjoys growing support among Republican policymakers and conservative observers, a political premise ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: Subsidizing The Rich Through California's Solar Scheme Posted: January 15, 2016 at 02:20 PM (Friday)Residential consumers of electricity in California pay almost 17 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), a price higher than those of every other state in the lower 48, except New York and five of the New England states. The average for the nation as a whole is about 12.7 cents per kWh. Neighboring states in the Pacific Northwest, the Mountain region ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: The EPA's 'Clean Power' Mess Posted: June 7, 2015 at 06:21 PM (Sunday)The plan will ensure that energy plants operate like cars in stop-and-go traffic, cutting efficiency. ‘Flexibility” is the advertised hallmark of the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which by 2030 would reduce carbon-dioxide emissions from U.S. power plants by 30% from 2005 levels. The central feature of the plan is ... | |
| Benjamin Zycher: Five Questions for Mr. Tom Steyer Posted: April 22, 2014 at 04:00 AM (Tuesday)An Earth Day conversation about global warming. Global warming/climate change unsurprisingly is the central topic of attention on this Earth Day 2014, and Mr. Tom Steyer of NextGen Climate has taken a leading role — to the tune of a reported $100 million — in terms of using his free-speech rights to promote the policies he supports and ... | |
| Benn Steil |
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| Bernard-Henri Levy |
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| Bernard-Henri Lévy |
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| Bernard Haykel |
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| Bernard Sharfman |
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| Bernard Weinstein |
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| Bernie Marcus |
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| Bernie Sanders |
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| Beth Akers |
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| Betsey Stevenson |
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| Betsy McCaughey |
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| Bhagwan Chowdhry |
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| Bijan Khezri |
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| Bill Archer |
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| Bill Bradley |
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| Bill Cassidy |
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| Bill Conerly |
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| Bill de Blasio |
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| Bill Drexel |
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| Bill Dudley |
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| Bill Emmott |
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| Bill Flores |
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| Bill Frezza |
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| Bill Frist |
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| Bill Gates |
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| Bill Gross |
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| Bill Grueskin |
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| Bill Hagerty |
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| Bill Hammond |
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| Bill Kelly |
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| Bill McNabb |
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| Bill Nelson |
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| Bill O’Reilly |
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| Bill Peters |
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| Bill Richardson |
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