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| Bob Beckel |
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| Bob Maistros |
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| Bob Menendez |
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| Bobby Jindal |
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| Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich: Modernize Medicare Without Cutting Benefits or Raising Taxes Posted: February 23, 2023 at 06:13 PM (Thursday)Crack down on fraud, practice preventive medicine, establish site-neutral payment policies, and other lessons from the 1990s. Let’s begin with three indisputable facts. First, the Medicare hospital trust fund is projected to run out of money in 2028, triggering a 10% payment cut for medical providers that will get larger as the imbalance ... | |
| Bobby Jindal and Tim Phillips: Sanders Infrastructure Package a Takeover of Health Care Posted: August 27, 2021 at 06:30 AM (Friday)Lawmakers need to pay attention to what's actually going on in Senator Sanders's proposal and the harm it would do to health-care outcomes. By this point, it should surprise no one that, when lawmakers in Washington propose one spending item, they are speaking about another – and often several – entirely. So it was with the last few iterations ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Biden’s Trojan Horse Posted: May 5, 2021 at 06:30 AM (Wednesday)Biden promised normalcy, but he is trying to restructure nearly every aspect of American society and the economy as part of the progressives' moral crusade. Biden's third run for the White House was successful because of who he is not. He won the primary by not being Bernie Sanders and the general by not being Donald Trump. Rather than focus ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: American Capitalism Is Fine, Thank You Posted: March 11, 2019 at 06:55 PM (Monday)The real debate is whether to accept the creative destruction at the heart of the free-market system. Liberal politicians, abetted by the mainstream media, regularly document the alleged shortcomings of free-market capitalism. Politicians like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez point to rising inequality and a supposed lack ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: How Government Made Our Healthcare System Unaffordable Posted: August 25, 2015 at 10:00 AM (Tuesday)I'm going to say something which will surprise a lot of people: American healthcare is the best in the world. It is, to paraphrase Churchill, the worst system of all, except for every other.
Yes, we have great medical schools and outstanding doctors. But the real reason why the quality of our care is so high is that, unlike almost anywhere else, we have elements of private provision and competition.
The real problem is not access, as the left would have us ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: The Supreme Court, Best Politicians in Washington Posted: June 26, 2015 at 04:08 PM (Friday)Even Chief Justice John Roberts knows the truth about this morning's decision to legalize same sex marriage: "Do not celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it."
That's because this decision not only throws the First Amendment out the window, but the Tenth Amendment as well. Even our chief justice knows that the Court's majority ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: An Obamacare debate worth having Posted: April 30, 2015 at 08:00 AM (Thursday)Repeal is not enough. Five years later, that much should be clear. The law's ill effects — higher premiums, cancelled health plans, bureaucratic ensnarements for doctor and patient alike — have all been well documented. This spring, the American people also got to know for the first time how Obamacare has complicated the tax code — raising ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: I'm Holding Firm Against Gay Marriage Posted: April 23, 2015 at 03:21 AM (Thursday)BATON ROUGE, La. — THE debate over religious liberty in America presents conservatives and business leaders with a crucial choice.In Indiana and Arkansas, large corporations recently joined left-wing activists to bully elected officials into backing away from strong protections for religious liberty. It was disappointing to see ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Our economy's better than ever Posted: March 8, 2015 at 05:26 PM (Sunday)We have balanced budgets and drastically reduced the size of government. Seven years ago, I ran for governor promising to make the economy bigger and the government smaller. We have lived up to that, accomplishing in Louisiana what the federal government has failed to do. We have balanced budgets, drastically reduced the size of government ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Republicans Shouldnt Try to Save Obamacare Subsidies in Wake of 'King' Ruling Posted: March 3, 2015 at 04:00 AM (Tuesday)A King v. Burwell victory would mean a sizable tax cut—if the GOP allows it to happen. Twenty-five years ago this fall, what Richard Wirthlin, President Reagan's pollster, called the "six most destructive words in the history of presidential politics" came crashing down. On November 5, 1990, President George H. W. Bush officially violated ... | |
| Bobby Jindal and Tim Scott: An education system for the 21st century Posted: February 9, 2015 at 05:00 AM (Monday)Would you trade your brand-new car for an Edsel? Or your iPhone for an antiquated mainframe computer the size of your living room?
Most people wouldn't dream of making such a choice — at least not unless forced to do so. But many American children face a similar situation each day when they head to school. For while some children in our ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Ponnuru Is Wrong! Replace ObamaCare Posted: February 6, 2015 at 06:00 AM (Friday)In my column earlier this week, I criticized Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act. Jindal took issue with the column and wrote in to Bloomberg View in response. In the interest of fair debate, I've posted his rejoinder below in full. By Bobby Jindal My op-ed this week regarding the need for ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: The GOP Mustn't Offer Obamacare Lite Posted: February 1, 2015 at 08:02 PM (Sunday)There is a secret that people outside of Washington, D.C., aren't aware of right now: Some Republicans in Congress are on the verge of proposing an alternative to Obamacare that imposes new tax hikes on the American people.
On March 4, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case that could upend Obamacare completely. In King v. Burwell, ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: The Facts About Ebola Funding Posted: October 12, 2014 at 08:18 PM (Sunday)Yet another American has contracted Ebola, a grim reminder of just how important it is that our public health systems function at the highest possible level. Unfortunately, much of the rhetoric about this deadly disease is misleading, if not dishonest.
In a paid speech last week, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attempted to link spending restraints enacted by Congress—and signed into law by President Obama—to the fight against Ebola. Secretary Clinton claimed that the spending reductions mandated under ... | |
| Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker: What's Obama's Problem With School Choice? Posted: July 8, 2014 at 08:57 PM (Tuesday)Why would the federal Department of Justice cite the Civil Rights Act and the specter of segregation to try and block a school choice program where more than nine in 10 participants come from racial minority groups? Or use the Americans with Disabilities Act to claim another school voucher program discriminates against individuals ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: What Hillary Knew — In 1993 Posted: May 13, 2014 at 08:54 PM (Tuesday)Twenty years ago, Clinton's health care plan was on to something. But you wouldn't know it from Democratic policy since then. Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs' recent comments doubting that Obamacare’s employer mandate will ever be implemented—he called it “one of the first things to go”—likely caused heartburn among his ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: How We Achieved Louisiana's Economic Surge Posted: May 4, 2014 at 11:46 PM (Sunday)A different kind of rising tide is hitting Louisiana—a surge of economic growth, and more and better-paying jobs.
The data speak for themselves. Louisiana has the lowest unemployment rate in the South, tied for 7thlowest in the nation. Since January 2008, economic growth that is 50 percent higher than the nation, and one of the best records ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Leave education to local control Posted: April 23, 2014 at 07:42 PM (Wednesday)High standards for our students? Count me in. My dad was not happy with straight A's. If my brother or I got a 95%, he wanted to know what happened on the other 5%.
Even so, allowing the federal government to dictate education to states and local government? No thanks. ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Bill de Blasio's war for poverty Posted: March 17, 2014 at 09:48 PM (Monday)This year, many on the left are celebrating 50 years since President Lyndon Johnson declared his War on Poverty — an era that saw the creation of massive new government programs that liberals proclaimed would raise living standards for the poor. However, it’s a distinctly ironic anniversary. Half a century later, with the Census Bureau ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Provocative Weakness Posted: March 10, 2014 at 05:00 AM (Monday)Obama should learn from history and consider Russian ambition at Yalta 69 years ago. Sixty-nine years after the American president traveled to the Crimean peninsula to capitulate to a Russian strongman, Barack Obama’s weakness is pushing the United States to another generational conflict ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Use the Phone and Pen to Jump-Start Growth Posted: February 24, 2014 at 04:00 AM (Monday)Here are ten ways President Obama could use his executive power to improve the economy. From the perspective of our nation’s capital, the economic picture looks bright. Washington, D.C., has become a beacon of thriving economic growth under President Obama, home to the nation’s most powerful and affluent, a boomtown financed by the ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Obamacare Is Anything But Compassionate Posted: February 9, 2014 at 10:13 PM (Sunday)The verdict is in, and it’s not good: Obamacare is rippling through the U.S. economy with vast implications for American prosperity.
On Friday, we learned that the Obama economy has hit stall speed, with a paltry 113,000 jobs added in January. ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: The end of race Posted: August 25, 2013 at 07:05 AM (Sunday)Scan the news on any given day in America, and you will invariably find multiple stories about race, racism, ethnicity, and race relations. We can’t seem to get enough of this topic, and correspondingly, the media appetite for all things race-related is unquenchable.
Racism is one of the more tragic features of the human condition. Like greed, envy, and other sins, it has been around for thousands of years, on every continent. ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: Unworkable ObamaCare Posted: July 25, 2013 at 07:14 PM (Thursday)Opaque rules, big delays and rising costs: The chaos is mounting.. Remember when President Obama famously promised that if you like your health-care plan, you'll be able to keep your health-care plan? It was a brilliantly crafted political sound bite. Turns out, the statement is ... | |
| Bobby Jindal: President Obama's Legacy, Government Greed Posted: February 28, 2013 at 04:00 AM (Thursday)It seems as if President Obama sends out another cabinet secretary every hour to tell the public about the dire consequences we will face if the sequestration cuts are not averted.
You’ve heard them — no vaccinations for children, teachers losing their jobs, less security from terrorist attacks, longer wait times at airports, and fewer food inspections. Now there are even reports that government officials are releasing hundreds of immigrants from ... | |
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