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| Bret Stephens |
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| Bret Stephens: Liberals Have a Blind Spot on Defense Posted: April 11, 2023 at 07:00 PM (Tuesday)Among the surprises of the war in Ukraine is that it has made Republicans much more dovish and Democrats much more hawkish. The switch has in some ways been startling, in other ways unsurprising. But it's far from complete. In January, a Pew Research survey found that 63 percent of Democrats thought that U.S. support for Ukraine was either ... | |
| Bret Stephens: How to Destroy (What’s Left of) the Mainstream Media’s Credibility Posted: February 9, 2023 at 07:00 PM (Thursday)It is hardly a secret within America's newsrooms that our profession has lost much of the public's trust. Gallup, which has polled "Confidence in Institutions" for decades, found that, as of last summer, just 16 percent of Americans had either a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in newspapers – down from 25 percent a decade earlier ... | |
| Bret Stephens:The Border Crisis Could Still Be Biden’s Opportunity Posted: September 20, 2022 at 10:01 PM (Tuesday)What is the best way to honor and preserve the American tradition of welcoming immigrants? Treating them as stage props, as Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida did last week by flying some 50 unsuspecting Venezuelan refugees to Martha's Vineyard, isn't it – even if progressive reaction was beyond parody: If Edgartown feels stressed by having to host ... | |
| Bret Stephens: With Malice Toward Quite a Few Posted: September 6, 2022 at 07:00 PM (Tuesday)Abraham Lincoln's first Inaugural Address was a 3,600-word olive branch to a South on the eve of the Civil War. His second promised malice toward none after the war left 620,000 dead. Americans have long revered both speeches because they offered a measure of redemption, and a means of reconciliation, to those who deserved it least. Joe ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Mugged by Reality, Again Posted: June 7, 2022 at 07:30 PM (Tuesday)Is a decade of destructive progressive ideology finally coming to an end? That San Franciscans, some of America's most reliably liberal voters, chose on Tuesday to recall District Attorney Chesa Boudin, one of America's most leftward D.A.s, is a sign of hope. Voter patience for what Mayor London Breed of San Francisco calls "all the bullshit ... | |
| Bret Stephens: A New Iran Deal Leaves Us Meeker and Weaker Posted: March 22, 2022 at 07:00 PM (Tuesday)What does President Biden think he will get out of a new nuclear deal with Iran? A year ago, the answer seemed reasonably clear to the administration: Tehran had responded to Donald Trump's decision to walk away from the original 2015 deal – known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or J.C.P.O.A. – by enriching uranium to ever-higher ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Let’s End the Covid Blame Games Posted: November 30, 2021 at 07:00 PM (Tuesday)Over the summer, as Covid cases started rising from their midyear lows, it became popular to blame Republicans for fueling the pandemic. The argument was that Covid had become a red-state scourge because of lower rates of mask-wearing and vaccination – along with high doses of vaccine misinformation – in places that went heavily for Donald ... | |
| Bret Stephens: The Federal Bureau of Dirty Tricks Posted: November 16, 2021 at 07:44 PM (Tuesday)This month's bombshell indictment of Igor Danchenko, the Russian national who is charged with lying to the F.B.I. and whose work turns out to have been the main source for Christopher Steele's notorious dossier, is being treated as a major embarrassment for much of the news media – and, if the charges stick, that's exactly what it is. Put ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Why Wokeness Will Fail Posted: November 9, 2021 at 07:23 PM (Tuesday)American history is, in many ways, a story of grand protests. They generally come in two types. There are protest movements that, even in ferocious dissent, believe that the American system is ultimately geared to fulfill its inner promises – of equality, unalienable rights, the pursuit of happiness, e pluribus unum, a more perfect union. This ... | |
| Bret Stephens: America’s Crumbling Global Position Posted: October 26, 2021 at 07:00 PM (Tuesday)A "complex, coordinated and deliberate attack," was how John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, on Monday described a recent drone assault on a U.S. military outpost in Syria that helps train local allies to fight ISIS. It was conducted with as many as five Iranian drones, launched by Iranian proxies, and conducted with Iran's aid and ... | |
| Bret Stephens: An Ethically Challenged Presidency Posted: October 5, 2021 at 07:00 PM (Tuesday)There should be little doubt that President Biden was not being truthful when, days after the Taliban's victory, he told ABC News that his senior military advisers had not urged him to keep some 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. The president's claim was flatly contradicted last week in sworn testimony from Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the ... | |
| Bret Stephens: A Foul Play by Progressives Over Israel’s Iron Dome Posted: September 23, 2021 at 04:06 PM (Thursday)There's little doubt that Congress will pass and President Biden will sign legislation to provide $1 billion in funding for Iron Dome, the Israeli-American missile defense system. Steny Hoyer, the majority leader in the House, promised as much after a handful of progressive members managed this week to get the funding stripped from a ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Another Failed Presidency at Hand Posted: September 7, 2021 at 07:00 PM (Tuesday)This Sept. 11, a diminished president will preside over a diminished nation. We are a country that could not keep a demagogue from the White House; could not stop an insurrectionist mob from storming the Capitol; could not win (or at least avoid losing) a war against a morally and technologically retrograde enemy; cannot conquer a disease ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Biden’s Plan Promises Permanent Decline Posted: May 3, 2021 at 07:02 PM (Monday)Years ago, Alexis Tsipras, the party leader of Greece's Coalition of the Radical Left, surprised me with a question. "Here in the United States," the soon-to-be prime minister asked me over breakfast in New York, "why do you not have this phenomenon of passing money under the table?" The subject was health care. Greece has a public health ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Biden Should Finish the Wall… Or the next Trump will. Posted: April 5, 2021 at 07:50 PM (Monday)The most harrowing story I've read in The Times in recent days was Miriam Jordan's account of a car crash last month in Southern California involving a Ford Expedition that had come from Mexico, straight through a breach in the border wall. The Ford was crammed with 25 people when it hit a tractor-trailer rig on Route 115, 110 miles east of ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Read the column the New York Times didn’t want you to see Posted: February 11, 2021 at 07:47 PM (Thursday)Last weekend, New York Times columnist Bret Stephens wrote a piece criticizing the rationale behind the forced ouster of Times reporter Donald G. McNeil Jr., but it was never published. Stephens told colleagues the column was killed by publisher A.G. Sulzberger. Since then, the piece has circulated among Times staffers and others — and it was ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Meet a Secret Trump Voter Posted: September 28, 2020 at 07:00 PM (Monday)Chris is a registered Democrat in her 50s who lives in Manhattan. She’s well-educated, well-traveled and well-informed. She has voted for candidates of both parties over the years and was enthusiastic for Bernie Sanders in 2016. She’s asked me not to publish her last name. It would not go down well for her at the store where she works as a ... | |
| Bret Stephens: A Rare Middle East Triumph. And — yes — a triumph for Trump, too. Posted: September 14, 2020 at 07:00 PM (Monday)For years, the Trump administration’s peacemaking efforts in the Middle East have been the object of relentless derision in elite foreign-policy circles, some of it justified. Yet with Friday’s announcement that Bahrain would join the United Arab Emirates as the second Arab state in 30 days to normalize ties with Israel, the administration ... | |
| Bret Stephens: What The Times Got Wrong Posted: June 12, 2020 at 05:00 AM (Friday)Tom Cotton speaks for a large part of this country. Will we not listen? Last week’s decision by this newspaper to disavow an Op-Ed by Senator Tom Cotton is a gift to the enemies of a free press — free in the sense of one that doesn’t quiver and cave in the face of an outrage mob. It is a violation of the principles that are supposed to sustain ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Every Time Palestinians Say 'No,’ They Lose Posted: January 30, 2020 at 05:00 AM (Thursday)Things rarely go well for those who try to live history backward. Regarding President Trump’s peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the instant conventional wisdom is that it’s a geopolitical nonstarter, a gift to Benjamin Netanyahu and an electoral ploy by the president to win Jewish votes in Florida rather than Palestinian hearts ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Neil Peart, Beyond the Gilded Cage Posted: January 13, 2020 at 02:40 PM (Monday)Whenever I’m walking in Midtown Manhattan, there are moments when a lyric written about 40 years ago runs through my mind. The buildings are lost / In their limitless rise / My feet catch the pulse / And the purposeful stride. The words are from the song “The Camera Eye,” written by Neil Peart, the drummer and lyricist of the ... | |
| Bret Stephens: One Thing Trump Gets Right Posted: November 21, 2019 at 11:00 AM (Thursday)Israel’s settlements are not the principal obstacle to peace with the Palestinians. In this week’s Mideast news, the Iranian regime has reportedly killed more than 100 of its own people as it attempts to suppress another wave of nationwide demonstrations. The Islamic State is taking advantage of Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria to ... | |
| Bret Stephens: The U.S. Needs More Nukes Posted: August 9, 2019 at 08:13 PM (Friday)Russian cheating requires a strong response. “In the capitals of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, there is a clear lack of confidence in the United States’ reliability as a military ally.” Sound familiar? It’s from a report in The Times dated October 7, 1979. Donald Trump isn’t the first American president about whom U.S. allies took ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Excellence Posted: August 2, 2019 at 07:53 PM (Friday)A former dean of the Yale Law School sounds a warning. Anyone who has followed the news from college campuses over the past few years knows they are experiencing forms of unrest unseen since the late 1960s. Now, as then, campuses have become an arena for political combat. Now, as then, race is a central issue. Now, as then, students rail ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Why I’m Rooting for Boris Johnson Posted: July 25, 2019 at 06:00 AM (Thursday)Boris Johnson has been Britain’s prime minister for not quite a day, and the reviews are in. He’s a disaster! A fraud! A Trumpy toff and shameless showman whose ego is inversely correlated to his merit and whose tenure of office won’t just be bad for the United Kingdom, but very possibly the death of it. Johnson might be half-inclined to agree. ... | |
| Bret Stephens: The Pirates of Tehran Posted: June 14, 2019 at 07:51 PM (Friday)If Iran won’t change its behavior, we should sink its navy. On April 14, 1988, the U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts, a frigate, hit an Iranian naval mine while sailing in the Persian Gulf. The explosion injured 10 of her crew and nearly sank the ship. Four days later, the U.S. Navy destroyed half the Iranian fleet in a matter of hours. Iran did not ... | |
| Bret Stephens: What’s Our China Endgame? Posted: May 16, 2019 at 10:00 AM (Thursday)“My idea of American policy toward the Soviet Union is simple, and some would say simplistic,” Ronald Reagan told his adviser Richard Allen in January 1977, four years before he became president. “It is this: We win and they lose. What do you think of that?” As the U.S. now girds for a trade war, and perhaps a new cold war, with China, it’s ... | |
| Bret Stephens: A Despicable Cartoon in The Times Posted: April 28, 2019 at 06:00 PM (Sunday)The paper of record needs to reflect deeply on how it came to publish anti-Semitic propaganda. As prejudices go, anti-Semitism can sometimes be hard to pin down, but on Thursday the opinion pages of The New York Times international edition provided a textbook illustration of it. Except that The Times wasn’t explaining anti-Semitism. It ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Millionaires and Billionaires and Bernie Posted: April 11, 2019 at 05:00 AM (Thursday)The Vermont socialist is suddenly rich. Is he any wiser? “I wrote a best-selling book. If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.” With those insouciant words, Bernie Sanders acknowledged on Tuesday that he has joined the ranks of the “millionaires and billionaires” he has vilified for most of his career.Condolences, ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Yes, Venezuela Is a Socialist Catastrophe Posted: January 25, 2019 at 09:03 PM (Friday)In the age of A.O.C., the lesson must be learned again. Conspicuous by its absence in much of the mainstream news coverage of Venezuela’s political crisis is the word “socialism.” Yes, every sensible observer agrees that Latin America’s once-richest country, sitting atop the world’s largest proven oil reserves, is an economic basket case, ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Obama Survival Manual, Intl. Edition Posted: October 13, 2014 at 07:26 PM (Monday)So Paul Krugman, who once called on Alan Greenspan “to create a housing bubble to replace the Nasdaq bubble”; who, a few months before the eurozone crisis erupted, praised Europe as “an economic success” that “shows that social democracy works”; who, as the U.S. fracking revolution was getting under way, opined that America was “just a ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Krugman and the Ayatollahs Posted: January 20, 2014 at 07:19 PM (Monday)Crude obfuscation is the stock in trade of many political actors. Not so the president of Iran. This column is about Iran. But first a word about a bearded bully closer to home.
On Monday, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused this newspaper of "crude obfuscation" for failing to run a correction for a mistake I made in a recent column on income inequality. "Oh, and for the record," he wrote with his customary charm, "at the time of writing ... | |
| Bret Stephens: Barack Obama and Other Has-Beens Posted: October 29, 2012 at 05:09 PM (Monday)Yesterday's man of destiny is today's peddler of spent ideas.
On the eve of the U.S. presidential election four years ago, educated people nearly everywhere understood that China was the country of the future, green was the energy of the future, and Barack Obama was a man of destiny. How quaint it all seems now. ... | |
| Bret Swanson |
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