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Bob Beckel and Cal Thomas: New year, new challenges

2014 will likely bring more political turmoil and more economic growth.

BOB: It's time for our eagerly anticipated predictions for the New Year, but first let's look back at our forecasts for 2013. How did we do?

CAL: I predicted (sort of) a coming together by both parties on the budget. While I had anticipated a stab at entitlement reform, a budget deal was reached that, while far form perfect, avoids another of those ridiculous government "shutdowns" that help no one, especially Republicans who always get the blame. You?

BOB: One shutdown did happen in 2013, and Republicans were blamed. I correctly predicted a last minute deal to avoid falling off the "fiscal cliff," and I was right-on when I predicted a decline in unemployment and a pickup in housing starts and manufacturing. I was wrong that Congress would act responsibly after the tragic Newtown, Conn., school shooting, thanks to the NRA.

CAL: We were right about more armed guards in schools. Even trained security officers without a gun can make a difference. A quick response by a retired deputy sheriff prevented additional students from being killed in the recent Colorado school shooting. You were wrong that a bipartisan agreement would be reached on immigration reform.

BOB: Enough about the past; let's see what the future might hold. I predict the U.S. economy will continue to surge, bringing most of the developed world with it. Our exports will increase, and unemployment will continue to fall. The Obama recovery is a big success.

CAL: The problems with Obamacare will get worse. It's not because of the dysfunctional website. It's the presumption that government can make health insurance and eventually health care work for 320 million Americans when it has trouble doing much of anything efficiently and at reasonable cost.

BOB: And this means what for the Democrats' 2014 election prospects (as if I can't predict your answer)?

CAL: Sure, you can predict it because you know it's true. Democrats up for re-election will flee from Obamacare; millions will protest to Congress after losing their health insurance and/or seeing rates and deductibles rise dramatically; and the administration will again be forced to violate its own law by extending the individual mandate until after the November elections.

BOB: Counter to your and virtually all other predictions, I think Obamacare will overcome its initial problems, millions will get better insurance plans than they had and millions of formerly uninsured Americans will get coverage. Democrats will lose some seats in Congress, but not the big loses I assume that you and many analysts predict.

CAL: Republicans will take back the Senate while holding their House majority and will do unto Majority Leader Harry Reid what he has done unto them, namely block legislation favored by the administration and Democrats by simple majorities. No federal judge will be confirmed who has a liberal activist record.

BOB: Republicans should win the Senate, but once again they will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory thanks to Tea Party primaries against incumbent Republican senators. The GOP will pick up seats in both houses, but not in big numbers. I also predict more Republicans will follow Speaker John Boehner's lead and denounce right-wing groups funding the Tea Party.

CAL: I'm not so sure about that last one. Both sides need each other, but you may be right about those primary challenges. I remember the late William F. Buckley said he would vote for the most conservative candidate who is electable.

BOB: Buckley knew what he was talking about, but he probably would find himself "homeless" with that attitude in today's Republican Party.

CAL: Here is a prediction I hope doesn't come true. One or more nations — possibly China, Russia or Iran — will confront the United States with a major challenge. Perceiving a lame-duck president to be weak, one of these countries will cause a crisis that requires a decision by the president whether or not to take military action. The president will choose not to, and his already declining approval ratings will fall beyond recovery.

BOB: I think if that happens, President Obama will respond with resolve. I have a bigger fear. As conditions in the Middle East disintegrate, a struggle for control of the vital Suez Canal between the Egyptian military and Islamic radicals will send shock waves around the world, especially in Europe and the U.S.

CAL: The stock market will have a brief correction, declining a few hundred points, but will come roaring back, no thanks to the administration's economic policies, which have included tax increases masquerading as "fees."

BOB: I agree the markets will have a strong year, unless the Suez Canal is lost to terrorists. But stocks will be strong because of Obama policies, not despite them. U.S. corporations are flush with cash, and it appears they are ready to make new investments and add fuel to a growing economy.

CAL: In sports, I predict the Washington Nationals will go to the World Series for the first time since 1933, when they were the Senators. The Nationals will replace the pathetic Washington Redskins as the town's major sports focus and unite the city as the football team once did.

BOB: I couldn't agree more. I predict the Denver Broncos will win the Super Bowl. But no matter the accuracy of our predictions, I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year, good friend.

CAL: And a happy 2014 to you, Bob. It's a pleasure to find common ground on at least some things and to be your friend and fellow American.

Cal Thomas is a conservative columnist. Bob Beckel is a liberal Democratic strategist. But as longtime friends, they can often find common ground on issues that lawmakers in Washington cannot.

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Posted: December 3, 2013 Tuesday 04:35 PM