Stories >> Political

Barack Obama: 2009 or 2011, Which Stimulus is it?

Guess whether Prersident Obama is talking his 2009 stimulus or the 2011 “job’s plan”.

Round 1:

A – “If we provide the right incentives, the right support and if we make sure our trading partners play by the rules, we can be the ones to build everything from fuel‑efficient cars to advanced biofuels to semiconductors,” Obama said in 20??

B – “In the process we will put Americans to work in new jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced, jobs building solar panels and wind turbines, constructing fuel‑efficient cars and buildings. And developing the new energy technologies that will lead to even more jobs, more savings and a cleaner, safer planet in the bargain,” Obama said in 20??

Which is it?

Round 2:

A – “To give our children the chance to live out their dreams in a world that’s never been more competitive, we will equip tens of thousands of schools, community colleges and public universities with 21st century classrooms, labs and libraries.” Obama said in 20??

B – “It will put people to work right now fixing roofs and windows, installing science labs and high‑speed Internet in classrooms all across this country.” Obama said in 20??

Posted: September 12, 2011 Monday 05:00 PM